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Keep Food Safe When the Power Goes Out

Severe winds, lightning and even squirrels can temporarily cause the power to go out. We understand power outages of any length can be frustrating, especially when your fridge is stocked with perishable foods. Extended power outages are rare, but when they occur, it’s important to understand food safety measures to take to avoid illness. Here are a few food safety tips to keep in mind before, during and after a power outage. Before an outage A good rule of thumb is to keep an...

Safety Guidelines for Before, During, and After a Storm

Storm season is in full swing. Many summer storms have the potential to produce tornadoes––they can happen anytime, anywhere, and can bring winds over 200 miles per hour. In April, a video of NBC Washington chief meteorologist Doug Kammerer went viral. During a live broadcast, Kammerer called his teenage son to warn him of a tornado that was headed straight for their home. Knowing the kids were likely playing video games and not paying attention to the weather, he told them to head...

Generator Safety Tips

Never connect a standby generator to your home’s electrical system. There are only two safe ways to connect a standby generator to your equipment. Stationary Generator: An approved generator transfer switch, which keeps your house circuits separate from the electric co-op, should be installed by a professional. Portable Generator: Plug appliances directly into the outlet provided on the generator. Set up and run your generator in a well-ventilated area outside the home. Make...