
My fellow members,

There were times in the past when legislation was introduced at either the state or national level that had potential impact to Colquitt EMC as well as other EMC’s in Georgia. The EMC’s initially got together and formed Georgia EMC (GEMC) in the 1950’s. One of its goals was to lobby or influence legislation that was favorable to the EMC’s. For years, GEMC has performed well in its mission on behalf of the EMC’s. During the past few years, several EMC’s have put together “Grass Roots” movements with their own members. This “Grass Roots” movement consisted of EMC members who were willing to contact their elected officials when legislation appeared that would have an impact on the EMC’s ability to continue its great work of serving its members.

Colquitt EMC has never formed a “Grass Roots” movement among our own members. In fact, our Cooperative has tried to remain apolitical; that is to say, we did not wish to get involved in politics unless absolutely necessary. This has worked for Colquitt EMC since 1936. However, I have noticed over the last three years that legislation which adversely affects Colquitt EMC has become more common. I am concerned with this trend, and I feel it will continue with a more dire impact to Colquitt EMC as a result.

I believe it is now time for a “Call to Action” at Colquitt EMC. We will be seeking members who are willing to join a “Grass Roots” movement on behalf of Colquitt EMC. This “Grass Roots” movement consists of obtaining email addresses from interested members. When the need arises, these members will be notified via the provided email. The members will be given a description of the current legislative issue, a summary of Colquitt EMC’s stance on the issue, and the email addresses of the legislators who can have an impact on its success or failure.

To participate in this “Call to Action,” click the link below. I can assure you we will never give email addresses to others and promise to only call upon this group when absolutely necessary.

We hope you will join us in our effort to make our voices heard.


Danny Nichols, President/CEO