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Weather Update

Our crews are ready to respond to outages as soon as it is safe to do so, but here are a few things to keep in mind: This storm system will affect multiple states. Any assistance requested from other EMCs will not come until they finish restoring power for their own members. If you rely on life-saving equipment, please have a backup plan in place and do not call 911 to report your outage. Please use the Automated Outage Line, 1-855-293-1804, mobile app or online portal to report...

Weather Updates

A Message from Our President/CEO My fellow members, As you are aware, our area is under an enhanced risk of severe weather late Saturday Night/early Sunday morning. We are taking the threat of severe weather seriously, and our team is mobilized and ready to respond to any potential outages as soon as it is safe to do so. With this line of storms, current forecasts are indicating severe weather with a possibility of tornadoes that could be EF2+ with very long paths, gusts of wind up...

Winter Storm Update

A Message from our President/CEO January 22, 2025 – 12:15 PM My fellow members, I would like to provide an update on the recent winter storm and its effects on Colquitt EMC. As we monitored the forecasts leading up to the storm, there were significant variations in predictions regarding its impact, particularly around the location and severity of icing, freezing rain, and sleet. I am pleased to report that, for the most part, our system experienced only snow with minimal icing...

Winter Storm Update

A Message from our President/CEO January 21, 2025 at 9:30 AM My fellow members, As you all realize, winter storms are a rarity for South Georgia. The interesting thing about winter storms are a large part of those affected will experience a cold rain event. Another large part of those affected will experience snow, and a small group will experience the most dangerous conditions of freezing rain, sleet and ice. It is the possibility of ice that causes us the most concern. Forecasts...

Winter Storm Update

A Message from Our President/CEO My fellow members, As you are all aware, a winter storm will likely affect our service territory this week. We are concerned regarding the effects of this storm. At this point, we are uncertain as to exactly how the winter storm will affect us. There is potential for snow, sleet and ice or some combination of the three. This is an absolute rarity for our area. We are in preparation mode for whatever this storm throws at us. Colquitt EMC has contract...

Update from our President/CEO

My fellow members, I am happy to report that today is the day. By the end of work today, we believe we should have service restored to all of our meters that can receive service. The exceptions are those few accounts needing repairs before we can restore service. If you have received those repairs and are ready for us to connect service, please email with the name on your account and service address. As of noon, we had approximately 13 meters in Berrien...

Update from our President/CEO

My fellow members, I recognize that I reported that we should have Berrien County restored by yesterday. Unfortunately, the amount of work that was required at the locations of service interruption was greater than we anticipated. I say “greater,” but we believe we will wrap up the vast majority of those by tomorrow morning. In Lowndes County, work continues, and we expect to be finished there by Sunday morning. As far as manpower is concerned, we have released a small number of...

Update from our President/CEO

My fellow members, Colquitt EMC Employees and Contract Crews continue their work to restore service to our members. We continue to make progress and reduce the outages day by day. Currently, we still have outages in Berrien and Lowndes County. In Berrien, we have approx. 500 meters without service. Before the close of business today, we will have those meters restored. In Lowndes County, we have approximately 1700 meters without service. We believe our target is still getting all...

Update from our President/CEO

My fellow members, Our work continues at a steady pace. Currently, in Colquitt, Worth, Tift, and Brooks Counties, we have more or less restored service to all members. Exceptions will be the members that have damage to their structure that doesn’t allow us to restore service without repairs made by the electrician. For more information on which portions of the service are the member’s responsibility and which belong to the cooperative, please visit our website...

Update from our President/CEO

My fellow members, Colquitt EMC employees and contractors continue working in extremely difficult conditions to restore power. As a reminder, at the height of the hurricane, Colquitt EMC lost power to approximately 67,000 meters out of our 73,000 meters. As of 9:00 AM this morning, we have approximately 7,400 meters without service. Restoration is pretty much wrapped up in Worth, Tift, Colquitt, and Brooks counties. In the remaining counties, we have the following outages: Cook –...

Update from our President/CEO

My fellow members, We are hoping to provide an update on our Hurricane Helene Restoration Effort. As I have previously reported, we have ramped up to 1,000 personnel, both construction and right of way, working on our system. We have 17 construction crews that will be joining us sometime before lunch today. We will allocate those resources to the most needed areas. Allow me to provide a little more detailed update on our restoration efforts by county: Colquitt, Tift & Worth...

Who Owns What

Many of our members’ homes have sustained significant damage, including damage to electrical service entrance points. This graphic shows which portions of the service are the member's responsibility and which portions will be repaired by Colquitt EMC. If your home sustained electrical damage at the weatherhead or meter base, you’ll need to contact an electrician to have those repaired before electricity will flow to your home. Click here to view the infographic